modified on 31 December 2018 at 10:56 ••• 4,511 views


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To a solution of 19.7 g 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylbenzaldehyde (see the recipe for 2C-E for its preparation) in 72 g glacial acetic acid there was added 6.5 g anhydrous ammonium acetate and 10.2 g nitroethane. After heating for 1.75 h on the steam bath, the reaction mixture was cooled in a wet ice bath, diluted with 10 mL H2O, and seeded with a small crystal of product. The yellow crystals were removed by filtration (7.6 g wet with acetic acid) and another 2.25 g was obtained from the mother liquors with additional H2O. The combined fractions were recrystallized from 25 mL boiling MeOH, to give 6.5 g fine yellow crystals of 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethyl)-2-nitropropene, with a mp of 67.5-68.5 °C. Anal. (C13H17NO4) C,H,N.

DOET structure.png
IUPAC name
Other names DOET, HECATE
CAS number 22004-32-6
Molecular formula C13H21NO2
Molar mass 223.32 g/mol
Melting point

194-195 °C (hydrochloride)

Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox references

A suspension of 6.5 g LAH in 500 mL well stirred anhydrous Et2O was held at reflux under an inert atmosphere, with the return of the condensed solvent passing through a Soxhlet thimble containing 6.5 g 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylphenyl)-2-nitropropene. After the addition of the nitrostyrene was complete, the stirred suspension was maintained at reflux for an additional 18 h, then cooled to room temperature. The excess hydride was destroyed with 500 mL 8% H2SO4, added cautiously until the hydrogen evolution ceased, then at a speed that allowed the formed solids to disperse. The phases were separated, the aqueous phase washed once with Et2O, treated with 150 g potassium sodium tartrate, and finally made basic (pH >9) with 5% NaOH. This was extracted with 3x100 mL CH2Cl2, the extracts pooled, and the solvent removed under vacuum. The residue, 7.9 g of a clear oil, was dissolved in 100 mL anhydrous Et2O and saturated with anhydrous HCl gas. After standing at room temperature for 2 h, the crystalline 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylamphetamine hydrochloride (DOET) was removed by filtration, washed with Et2O, and air dried to constant weight. There was obtained 5.9 g of lustrous white crystal with a mp of 190-191 °C. Recrystallization from CH3CN or EtOAc increased the mp to 194-195 °C. Anal. (C13H22ClNO2) C,H,N.


2 - 6 mg.


14 - 20 h.


(with 1.0 mg) This was a very gentle, relaxing level, but there were no psychedelic effects that were apparent. Easy, and relaxed, and I am in no way intoxicated or turned on. But I was in the throes of my menstrual period, and the cramps (and the accompanying irritability) were completely knocked out. Perhaps this is why I felt so relaxed and at peace.

(with 2.5 mg) There is much, too much, movement with my eyes closed. And an awful lot there with my eyes open. The movement on the concrete floor in the basement when I went downstairs for wood for the fireplace, was too much. I felt almost sea-sick. And I am having reality problems--I cannot seem to find my centering point of reference. There has to be a place to pin myself down to, and it is not findable anywhere I look. And my legs are twitching, and feeling as if they are falling asleep, and I had a crawling sensation on my body, so the body is not at peace either. In the morning I was still ++, but there is a clear indication that I am repairing. Anyway, I survived the experience. This is definitely not my thing.

(with 4 mg) Just after an hour into the experiment, I was surprised by the awareness of some effects--I had forgotten that I had taken something. At the second hour, it was real, but subtle. As a psychotomimetic or STP-like thing, there is very little there. But as a mood energizer, it is really a ++ or more. The clinical literature is right--none of the hallucinogenic effects, but one brings into play whatever one wants to. Worked at cleaning up the office until 11 PM. I slept well. This has none of the LSD or STP seriousness.

(with 6 mg) The onset was slow, and subtle. But the effects are fully there in about three or so hours. Everything I smelled was vivid, as are all the colors and shapes; they are clean, beautiful, serenely self-contained. No visual movement. The eyes-closed fantasy images tend to take off on their own, however, and they are extremely rich. I don't see any dark corners. I believe it might well be possible to be creative with this, and there is no suggestion of body depletion, of body load.

(with 7 mg) A hot day. Unbelievably lovely erotic-to-divine, deep loving, open, not much visual, eyes-closed form-image-symbol. Sleep attempts very shallow, slight `thinness', with an anticipation of darts. Intellect and feeling-emotion area intact and functioning at all times. Next morning still at a plus one. Incredible material. Perhaps best at 6 to 7 milligrams, no higher due to body load.


The original code for this compound was DOE, which was completely logical based on DOM being the methyl member of this series (DO for the removal of the oxygen, desoxy, and M for putting a methyl in its place). And the putting of the ethyl thence should be DOE. This was fine until it was pointed out to me by a close colleague that DOE was a classic abbreviation for desoxyephedrine, a synonym for methamphetamine. The pressure to add the RTS of the RETS of the ethyl was heightened by looking ahead to other members of the series. DOA became DOAM, DOE became DOET, but DOM was already too firmly set in popular usage. And, anyway, DOME really looked strange.

The original publications of the action of DOM clearly documented the compound as being a psychedelic and one with a sizeable measure of potential abuse. And, it is not a surprise that it was quickly shuffled into a legal classification that effectively precluded any further study of it. So, when this immediate homologue of DOM was studied and discussed in the literature, all reported dosages were those that were at the lowest levels, and no disturbing hints of abusability were mentioned. And this particular homologue has so far escaped the attention and restrictive action of the drug enforcement agencies, although the specific wording of the Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act of 1986 might make this point moot, at least as far as human trials are concerned. At modest levels, DOET has the reputation of being a cognitive enhancer and is largely free of those sensory distortions that would catch the attention of the authorities who cannot tolerate drugs that distort the senses. The higher levels mentioned here have never been put into the published literature. It must be noted that there is a considerable variation of individual responses to this material. The effective dose range stated is quite broad. Some people are quite sensitive. This is, after all, one of the Classic Ladies, namely HECATE.

The young experimental subject who had the dramatic relief from menstrual cramps at the one milligram dose tried the compound again the following month, and again had complete relief. But another volunteer, also plagued with severe cramping at that particular time of month, found no relief at all. A 50% success rate. No one else has, to my knowledge, explored this particular property.